Our Mission is to provide professionally trained service dogs to veterans & first responders who struggle with 50% or higher PTSD or TBI. 100% of our proceeds are donated to provide service dogs for Veterans and First Responders.
Video: Shepherds for Sheepdogs - Fitness Games Charity Event - Lenoir, NC
Shepherds for Sheepdogs INC.
Shepherds for Sheepdogs INC. is a non-profit charity composed of a competitive, team-based obstacle course race. Its primary purpose is to raise money to purchase service dogs for our veterans and first responders. Its secondary purpose is to help promote healthy and fun lifestyles, utilize teamwork, and give back to our community.

The S4S OCR has been specifically designed to require teamwork to accomplish its tasks. It is not simply a group of people running the course together and individually conquering the obstacles. The objectives require multiple people to work together simultaneously in order to overcome the obstacle and move on. The race is competitive and does award the top three winning teams. Eligibility to win is based on teams who successfully accomplish ALL of the obstacles in the fastest time. This year, requirements for teams include: 3 or 4 people, over the age of 12. Some obstacles are physical, some mental, and some are just for fun! Participants can expect to climb, crawl, hang, lift, carry, and drag. All fitness levels are welcome and modifications will be permitted. This is a rain or shine event.
There are three courses to choose from:
- The Big DAWG
- The Pup Run
- The Pack Relay Run
All courses can be taken as fast or as slow as the team desires

Unfortunate statistics show that, on average, 22 veterans commit suicide every day due to PTSD and TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury). The opportunity to recognize and serve our veterans and first responders is one of the greatest causes we feel we could ever give back to.

We are now working with multiple accredited dog training facilities to provide professional trained service animals to NC veterans or first responders who can prove a 50% or higher PTSD or TBI disability.

Tennessee Blue Line Shepherds and Fortified K9 have graciously allowed us to purchase their high-quality animals at an extremely discounted rate in order to donate them to deserving veterans and first responders. More information on the trainers, the dogs, and the recipients can be found on the throughout our website and Facebook page. It is time to give back the peace of mind to our heroes that they have fought for us to have.

We invite you to donate or become a sponsor. ALL proceeds will help to supply service animals for those who served.

Shepherds for Sheepdogs humbly requests your help, via sponsorship, to support the veterans and first responders within our community. Sponsorship levels information is included. Bring your business out for a fun, community-enriching team-builder!