Branch: Marines
Location(s): Iraq and Afghanistan
Time served: 11.5 years
During his time in the USMC, Don was part of a select group of Marines chosen for a task force with extremely high-security clearance, making him responsible for a multitude of classified documents, operations, and locations. Due to the nature of his role, he is limited in what he can discuss about his service. However, the lasting effects and daily struggles he now faces are evident.
Don describes himself as highly reclusive, going out in public only when absolutely necessary. If he can’t order something online or if family members can’t get it for him, he often goes without until a trip becomes essential. He forces himself to attend doctor’s appointments, veteran support groups, and family gatherings, but each outing is highly stressful. His social anxiety manifests in severe gastrointestinal issues, causing frequent trips to the bathroom, and at times, his nerves make him vomit unexpectedly, adding to his anxiety about potential embarrassment. Another major challenge for Don is his inability to fall asleep or stay asleep until he reaches a point of physical exhaustion.
“It’s not uncommon for me to go two or three days without sleep. Then, I’ll fall asleep at the worst times. I’ve fallen asleep while bending over to tie my shoes and woken up on the floor hours later. Once, I even passed out in my yard and slept until the next day.”
The effects of PTSD, combined with the dangers and instability of sleep deprivation, have significantly diminished Don’s quality of life. He needed someone to help break this cycle—enter Nyx!
Nyx, his 1.5-year-old female Belgian Malinois, weighs just under 50 pounds but has provided a unique level of companionship unlike his other pets. Nyx has developed a deep bond with Don, remaining highly attuned to his mood, movements, and needs. Her natural focus on Don made her an excellent candidate for service dog training through Shepherds for Sheepdogs. With professional training, she learned to nudge him awake if he falls asleep anywhere other than a bed or chair. Small and agile, Nyx can quietly fit under chairs, making her discreet when Don is in public. The added security and sense of safety Nyx provides has allowed Don to feel more comfortable in social settings. With reduced anxiety, his other health issues have also improved, ultimately enhancing his quality of life!
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